Liebster Awards!

I was nominated many eons ago by Debs The Ninja on her blog. I’m super grateful, and never realized what it was until I read more up on it not too long ago (meaning like 3 months ago now, but still this was from back years ago… lol.) Since this is so old, I’m going to still answer the questions I was given by Debs, but I’m hoping this will translate into the 2018 version. The rules are simple and not hard to follow!

These are the rules: 

Thank the nominator and post a link to his/her blog
Display the award on your blog
Answer the questions provided by the nominator
Include some random facts about yourself
Nominate 5-11 blogs which have less than 1000 followers
Prepare more questions

The questions given to me go as follows:

If you could visit any five countries in the world with no time or money constraints, where would you go and why?

Wow, any 5? I’m not honestly sure. I know one would have to be Hungary because I’m Hungarian and Budapest is gorgeous in photos I see on the web. I know someone who lives there, and she’s a fellow Etsy seller (you can check out her stuff here!) My next would have to be Iceland. I’ve always wanted to head there and see the hot springs and mountains that I see so many photos of online and on Instagram. I was thinking possibly a honeymoon destination…. but I’d need to get the fiance on board first to go there, haha. Third would have to be Finland. My mom went some many years ago, and said it was gorgeous. Not to mention that the fact so much amazing music comes out of there… mainly Poets of the Fall which happens to be my favorite band. I have never seen them because they don’t have a presence over here in the states, sadly. But one day I hope to see them live. Also, northern lights, DUH! My last two would have to be Japan and Scotland. No real reason except that photos that I’ve seen are amazing. As someone who has an interest in photography and different food sometimes, I’d say it would be well worth it for me to explore more options. A lot of other countries are over played.. and make them more crowded. I’d like to go off the beaten path a bit and stay in locations that aren’t popular at these.

What inspires or motivates you?

Before my fiance… not much motivated me. I was in a crappy hole from break up after break up and didn’t want to do anything or be with anyone. Now, I like to think we inspire each other with ideas and we mesh well, making us both better people. I love nature and the organic shapes of flowers, leaves, and trees. In order to be surrounded by inspiration and find new inspiration, I think it’s important to get out of your office every day to take a short walk or find a new hiking path. I want to start to do this more, since the weather is starting to get amazing here in WA.

How would you describe yourself in ten words?

  1. Outgoing 2. Loving 3. Crazy 4. Wine-Drinker 5. Passionate 6. Short-Tempered 7. Motivational 8. Understanding 9. SocialButterfly 10. Weird

What is the craziest or awesomest thing you’ve ever done?

Packed up and moved to the West Coast. No, seriously. I was living in PA and previously NJ, and was like you know what, I need a change. So I found a job out here and well, here I am! I decided that I wasn’t getting any younger and if I wanted to do something I had to do it. And thankfully my fiance came with me (LOL) or he’d be pretty sad back there without me.

What is your spirit animal and why?

The Wolf: A power animal symbolic of freedom

The power of the wolf brings forth instinct, intelligence, appetite for freedom, and awareness of the importance of social connections. This animal can also symbolize fear of being threatened and lack of trust. When the wolf shows up in your life, pay attention to what your intuition is telling you. Wolf power or spirit animals point to an appetite for freedom and living life powerfully, guided by instincts. When a wolf manifests its presence as a guide in your life, it could be a call to live your life more freely, to bring the intensity of passion in your everyday endeavors. Wolves are wild animals that are not easily domesticated and when they appear as spirit guides, they could be an invitation to look at what supports your authentic self and the true expression of yourself. The wolf totem is a reminder to keep your spirit alive and trust your instincts to find the way that will best suit you. (Excerpt taken from here.)

Do you remember your dreams? If so, what was your weirdest dream?

Sometimes I do. That’s something I’ve always wanted to keep track of at least for a little while. I haven’t been dreaming lately though, since moving to Washington. Which I find a little odd. Back in PA I was always dreaming and I’ve had a few strange ones, but none that I can remember vividly to be honest. I’d like to keep a dream journal by my bed to start tracking those, if I ever have another dream.

What is your favorite band/song/genre of music?

I like to say I don’t have a favorite band or genre at all. I listen to anything from Pop to Rock to Death Metal to Opera so I don’t think I can give myself a category specifically. I feel like there are a lot of people like this in today’s day and age, along with this being perfectly normal.

How would you describe a perfect day?

If you want to check out my previous blog I wrote about this you can – it’s too long to write in here!

Do you prefer cold weather or hot weather? 

Cold! Well, sometimes. You can always put on more layers to get warm, but you can’t take off anymore layers without going past naked. At least, that’s how I view it… I’m not sure how the rest of you do. I’d much rather pile on the blankets to be comfortable than dripping sweat when you need electricity for a fan or something to help that out.

What are you most afraid of?

Existential Anxiety: According to existential theorists, a universal fear of the limits and responsibilities of one’s existence.

What do you love more than anything else and why?

  1. Learning. Learning is not necessarily about knowledge per se but it is also about developing the ability to think critically, about using one’s imagination and many more things. Ghandi once declared that “the future depends on what we do in the present.” If we are to have a future, we need to evolve.
  2. Nature. “We need the tonic of wildness…At the same time that we are earnest to explore and learn all things, we require that all things be mysterious and unexplorable, that land and sea be indefinitely wild, unsurveyed and unfathomed by us because unfathomable. We can never have enough of nature.” ― Henry David Thoreau
  3. 27752368_1624846487622569_4065434429084898169_n
    Need I say more?

Nominated Blogs:

  1. Delux Does Life
  2. Discovering Life with Appie
  3. Sweet Lemons
  4. Anna Merissa
  5. Bay Area Beauty Blogger
  6. 4 Little Fergusons
  7. Butterfly Samurai
  8. A Guy’s Guide to Wedding Planning

Here are my new questions to answer:

  1. What is your favorite quote?
  2. If you could go anywhere in the world for 3 months, where would you go and why?
  3. What are some things you’re passionate about and why?
  4. That’s the weirdest thing you’ve done so far?
  5. Do you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert?
  6. What makes you feel accomplished?
  7. If you are in a bad mood, do you prefer to be left alone or have someone to cheer you up?
  8. Do you believe in second chances?
  9. What’s on your bucket list this year?
  10. What’s your biggest regret in life?

Random Facts

  1. I’ve been to 26 states so far and hoping to do all 50 before 35.
  2. I have 21 tattoos.
  3. I’ve had my blog for 7+ years.
  4. If I go to a brewery, and they don’t have a pretzel and beer cheese sauce, they are immediately judged. It’s my go to.
  5. I drink wine like water sometimes.
  6. I’ve lived on both coasts now, and the weather on the West Coast is so far the winner even though I’ve only been here for 5 months.
  7. I hate flying.
  8. I work for the government.
  9. I’m marrying my best friend – someone who’s tried to get me for 4 years.
  10. I procrastinate everything in life … Except work most times.

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