Tag Archives: video games

Getting Into the Holiday Spirit – A Holiday Guide – BeautyMePlease

This Black Friday post comes to you from a fellow Washington resident! Briana reached out to me regarding guest posting, and lo and behold she lives only one hour from me in my new home state! I’m sure you’ll see more collaborating between her and I in the coming years as we can easily work together to come up with ideas. Without further hesitation, I present BeautyMePlease!

As the end of the year approaches faster than ever, every year we still face the same problem: Getting into the holiday vibe. True story! You must be thinking, “alright Bri, Good luck with that”, well GRINCH, I don’t need your input!

Before we get started let me introduce myself, My name is Briana and I am the owner/creator of Beauty me Please! I am a beauty blogger and freelance makeup artist that blog about beauty as long as it is cruelty free & vegan! I also do personal blogs and self care because we all need that reminder to take care of ourselves. If you want to see more of me don’t hesitate to visit me at beautymeplease.com

Coffee up and take a seat because we are getting festive!

1. Smell like a SNACK

Ever here the term “Smelling like a snack? Yeah I have too and I am not too fond of it but it is relevant for this topic. One way to get into the holiday spirit to to bathe in the scents and oh so good beauty products. I am talking candles, shower gels, lotions, hair products and maybe as far as toothpaste. That sounds like a cavity. But it is a start! If your tree is up, spray some pine, need some candles? Hit up Bath N Body works for some sugarcookie or vanilla scented candles to make your house smell like a bakery all day everyday! Something fun and relaxing is taking a bath and using a really good scented bath bomb and then lotion up afterwards. Usually with smells that go well together. Careful not to go overboard though, it happens.

2. Baking and baked goods make the heart whole 

At heart, if there are no sweets of any kind I am a very very sad soul and many others are too. It is literally the unofficial tradition for thanksgiving or Christmas. Sure you have your buffets of food but your holiday will not be complete without  some yummy baked goods. 

So you can go out an check out and support your local bake shops because usually they have the good stuff. Or checkout Pinterest because there are so many really good and healthy dishes and recipes but the search will be unlimited! Best believe Pinterest has millions of recipes and more more are added everyday and since the holidays are here, you are boundto find the perfect recipe.


3. Facebook events

If you are looking to save money this year because you blew it all on decorations or presents but still want something to do then this is for you. Around this time of year, your town or city have many events happening pertaining to the holiday or celebrations. There are dance events, events for family and children,concerts, special mall parties, whatever it may be you are bound to something really fun and worth the experience. A lot of the events depending on the area will be free and also depending on the area or event in general there are fees but nothing too crazy. Definitely doable. Facebook events are easily accessible in the app and on desktop. Give it a whirl and see what you find.

4. Decorate!

This is the simplest and easiest way to truly get festive and feel one with the spirit! Decorating is like the soul or the door to feeling happy and good spirited with the harsh winter fall and winter weather. It keeps you sain, and you don’t have to leave your house if you don’t want after you make your place a living museum of decorative vibes. And every year you get to spend time in looking for MORE decor to compliment what you already have. It is the truest form of satisfaction.

5. You’re the Grinch

If none of these are tickling you yet, I fear that it is too late for you! YOU GRINCH! Or possibly scrooge? You simply cannot be entertained! Getting festive and feeling the holiday is also wanting to really feel something else other than moping around and feeling unhappy. My advice? Go to that neighborhood where every house and lawn is decked out head-to-toe in decorations. Appreciate all the pretty lights and the effort that goes into that maintenance and dedication it took to get all that out. You know what I am talking about! When you were younger your family would drive around looking at all the homes that were bright and colorful SCREAMING for attention! If that STILL doesn’t get your blood flowing well, Netflix your problems until you feel better.

Well that is all I have for this year guys! I hope you guys enjoyed this read as much as I did but really, all seriousness aside you should really some of these out if you haven’t already, could make a difference, who knows. I’d like to thank Koral, for giving me the opportunity to reach out to you guys and give you some ideas and hopefully a laugh! She is a great person and I love her work as you do too! Thank you for having me, again my name is Briana and I hope you have the BEST Thanksgiving and Christmas and a Happy New year!

Liebster Awards!

I was nominated many eons ago by Debs The Ninja on her blog. I’m super grateful, and never realized what it was until I read more up on it not too long ago (meaning like 3 months ago now, but still this was from back years ago… lol.) Since this is so old, I’m going to still answer the questions I was given by Debs, but I’m hoping this will translate into the 2018 version. The rules are simple and not hard to follow!

These are the rules: 

Thank the nominator and post a link to his/her blog
Display the award on your blog
Answer the questions provided by the nominator
Include some random facts about yourself
Nominate 5-11 blogs which have less than 1000 followers
Prepare more questions

The questions given to me go as follows:

If you could visit any five countries in the world with no time or money constraints, where would you go and why?

Wow, any 5? I’m not honestly sure. I know one would have to be Hungary because I’m Hungarian and Budapest is gorgeous in photos I see on the web. I know someone who lives there, and she’s a fellow Etsy seller (you can check out her stuff here!) My next would have to be Iceland. I’ve always wanted to head there and see the hot springs and mountains that I see so many photos of online and on Instagram. I was thinking possibly a honeymoon destination…. but I’d need to get the fiance on board first to go there, haha. Third would have to be Finland. My mom went some many years ago, and said it was gorgeous. Not to mention that the fact so much amazing music comes out of there… mainly Poets of the Fall which happens to be my favorite band. I have never seen them because they don’t have a presence over here in the states, sadly. But one day I hope to see them live. Also, northern lights, DUH! My last two would have to be Japan and Scotland. No real reason except that photos that I’ve seen are amazing. As someone who has an interest in photography and different food sometimes, I’d say it would be well worth it for me to explore more options. A lot of other countries are over played.. and make them more crowded. I’d like to go off the beaten path a bit and stay in locations that aren’t popular at these.

What inspires or motivates you?

Before my fiance… not much motivated me. I was in a crappy hole from break up after break up and didn’t want to do anything or be with anyone. Now, I like to think we inspire each other with ideas and we mesh well, making us both better people. I love nature and the organic shapes of flowers, leaves, and trees. In order to be surrounded by inspiration and find new inspiration, I think it’s important to get out of your office every day to take a short walk or find a new hiking path. I want to start to do this more, since the weather is starting to get amazing here in WA.

How would you describe yourself in ten words?

  1. Outgoing 2. Loving 3. Crazy 4. Wine-Drinker 5. Passionate 6. Short-Tempered 7. Motivational 8. Understanding 9. SocialButterfly 10. Weird

What is the craziest or awesomest thing you’ve ever done?

Packed up and moved to the West Coast. No, seriously. I was living in PA and previously NJ, and was like you know what, I need a change. So I found a job out here and well, here I am! I decided that I wasn’t getting any younger and if I wanted to do something I had to do it. And thankfully my fiance came with me (LOL) or he’d be pretty sad back there without me.

What is your spirit animal and why?

The Wolf: A power animal symbolic of freedom

The power of the wolf brings forth instinct, intelligence, appetite for freedom, and awareness of the importance of social connections. This animal can also symbolize fear of being threatened and lack of trust. When the wolf shows up in your life, pay attention to what your intuition is telling you. Wolf power or spirit animals point to an appetite for freedom and living life powerfully, guided by instincts. When a wolf manifests its presence as a guide in your life, it could be a call to live your life more freely, to bring the intensity of passion in your everyday endeavors. Wolves are wild animals that are not easily domesticated and when they appear as spirit guides, they could be an invitation to look at what supports your authentic self and the true expression of yourself. The wolf totem is a reminder to keep your spirit alive and trust your instincts to find the way that will best suit you. (Excerpt taken from here.)

Do you remember your dreams? If so, what was your weirdest dream?

Sometimes I do. That’s something I’ve always wanted to keep track of at least for a little while. I haven’t been dreaming lately though, since moving to Washington. Which I find a little odd. Back in PA I was always dreaming and I’ve had a few strange ones, but none that I can remember vividly to be honest. I’d like to keep a dream journal by my bed to start tracking those, if I ever have another dream.

What is your favorite band/song/genre of music?

I like to say I don’t have a favorite band or genre at all. I listen to anything from Pop to Rock to Death Metal to Opera so I don’t think I can give myself a category specifically. I feel like there are a lot of people like this in today’s day and age, along with this being perfectly normal.

How would you describe a perfect day?

If you want to check out my previous blog I wrote about this you can – it’s too long to write in here!

Do you prefer cold weather or hot weather? 

Cold! Well, sometimes. You can always put on more layers to get warm, but you can’t take off anymore layers without going past naked. At least, that’s how I view it… I’m not sure how the rest of you do. I’d much rather pile on the blankets to be comfortable than dripping sweat when you need electricity for a fan or something to help that out.

What are you most afraid of?

Existential Anxiety: According to existential theorists, a universal fear of the limits and responsibilities of one’s existence.

What do you love more than anything else and why?

  1. Learning. Learning is not necessarily about knowledge per se but it is also about developing the ability to think critically, about using one’s imagination and many more things. Ghandi once declared that “the future depends on what we do in the present.” If we are to have a future, we need to evolve.
  2. Nature. “We need the tonic of wildness…At the same time that we are earnest to explore and learn all things, we require that all things be mysterious and unexplorable, that land and sea be indefinitely wild, unsurveyed and unfathomed by us because unfathomable. We can never have enough of nature.” ― Henry David Thoreau
  3. 27752368_1624846487622569_4065434429084898169_n
    Need I say more?

Nominated Blogs:

  1. Delux Does Life
  2. Discovering Life with Appie
  3. Sweet Lemons
  4. Anna Merissa
  5. Bay Area Beauty Blogger
  6. 4 Little Fergusons
  7. Butterfly Samurai
  8. A Guy’s Guide to Wedding Planning

Here are my new questions to answer:

  1. What is your favorite quote?
  2. If you could go anywhere in the world for 3 months, where would you go and why?
  3. What are some things you’re passionate about and why?
  4. That’s the weirdest thing you’ve done so far?
  5. Do you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert?
  6. What makes you feel accomplished?
  7. If you are in a bad mood, do you prefer to be left alone or have someone to cheer you up?
  8. Do you believe in second chances?
  9. What’s on your bucket list this year?
  10. What’s your biggest regret in life?

Random Facts

  1. I’ve been to 26 states so far and hoping to do all 50 before 35.
  2. I have 21 tattoos.
  3. I’ve had my blog for 7+ years.
  4. If I go to a brewery, and they don’t have a pretzel and beer cheese sauce, they are immediately judged. It’s my go to.
  5. I drink wine like water sometimes.
  6. I’ve lived on both coasts now, and the weather on the West Coast is so far the winner even though I’ve only been here for 5 months.
  7. I hate flying.
  8. I work for the government.
  9. I’m marrying my best friend – someone who’s tried to get me for 4 years.
  10. I procrastinate everything in life … Except work most times.

I’d Like a Drink

Sunday evening and I’ve spent about an hour and a half in the bath enjoying my “me” time making some designs. I remember today was Victor Hugo day and I chose something from Les Misérables because it’s my favorite movie.

I’d like to watch it sometime here soon. I haven’t in about a year and a half, and that’s something I’d like to do usually once every few months. I’ve done it every year now for quite some time.

We’ve been working on wedding stuff and it’s stressing me out, so I came up with this one for today! Enjoy.


Koral Dawn

C’mon Baby Light My Fire

I’ve been a little off the game lately with the move and haven’t been creating as much art as i should be. Here are a few Spark posts I’ve done since December/Christmas time. I was recently granted a Spark VIP pass to have access to Beta stuff and other features so that’s pretty cool! In other news – my BFF and love is coming to see me at the end of April and I hope I hope I hope that the weather holds up for us to have some fun and explore the area. I’m hoping for nice weather and sunshine so she can see the mountain.

Enjoy some photos I did and let me know what you think!


Koral Dawn

My Perfect Day

 What does your perfect day consist of? Does it include spending a day at the beach with all your friends? Maybe a night out on the town – but a town that you don’t know? Maybe it’s sitting home all day watching the rain fall outside by your big open bay window at the top of a NYC apartment building. Are you extravagant or conservative in what you think your perfect day would be? Maybe your perfect day is driving out to the middle of nowhere, with someone you love – camera in hand – and blankets galore because you know it’ll be cold and a bunch of lights for the back of the pickup truck so you can have a romantic night of watching the stars and taking astrophotography. Yeah, maybe that’s it… But there would have to be a lot of snuggles and a place with absolutely no lights. Maybe you live in the deserts of Nevada or Arizona and you can do this frequently. Maybe it’s just an idea in your head you’ve been dreaming of for quite a few years now but somehow it’s never happened.

My perfect day would end just like that. But I’ll take you through the entire day from point A when I wake up to the end of the night. I wake up at home, cuddled in bed with my kitties with the sound of birds waking me up from the sun shining outside. I roll over and hit the alarm – mind you, it’s about 8 am on a Saturday and we have a whole day planned – and look at the ceiling for some time while trying to make sure I have a clear head. Romeow will come up and sit on my chest and make his presence known, of course, while Moo will jump down off the bed to get ready to be let out of the room from a good night’s sleep curled up next to me. I’ll get some claws to the chest from Romeow and I’ll eventually push him off me to get up out of bed after looking at my phone to see what the weather will be. Perfect – another gorgeous day here in sunny Arizona with a high of 90 and no rain in the forecast.

I jump out of bed and put my robe on because while it’s hot outside, I always have a fan on in my room for air circulation. I can’t sleep without one, or some type of noise to put me to sleep. I wander over to the shower and turn it on for a nice hot bath filled with peppermint oils and sugar scrubs. I hear my phone go off in my pocket – “Good morning, honey bunnyyy.” It says to me. An instant smile appears on my face. I reply, “Good morning pumpkinnnn.” Which is our standard good morning these days for each other. “I’ll be home from work soon, I only had to go in for a couple hours in the early morning and then we can have our day of fun like I promised. Make sure you’re dressed and ready to go!” I jump in the shower and wash up, scrub scrub scrub, rinse, hair flip. By now it’s about 8:45 in the morning and the sun is in full force outside.

I go back to the bedroom and pull my sundress out of the closet that I love wearing now. I think I’ll wear this today, I murmur to the cats. Get my new sandals out of the closet I bought the other day on clearance. They go with everything and always look good, even with my fat feet. I throw the essentials on, then the dress and shoes and then start to put on my makeup. I don’t go too heavy on the makeup these days but I do need something on the eyes or else I look so sleepy and lifeless. As I finish putting the makeup on, I hear the front door open and he’s standing there with a bunch of flowers he picked on his way home. He gives me a peck on the forehead and shoves the flowers up my nose, like he always does. “These looked pretty!” he says to me. “Aww, thanks dear, I’ll go put these in water in the kitchen so they don’t wilt.” I go to the living room to put them in and he goes to the bathroom to shower from a few hours of construction work that he did in the wee hours of the morning.

By now it’s about 9:30 in the morning maybe closer to 10 AM, but that’s okay. He’s finally home and we can have a fun relaxing day together since he’s been working so much overnights covering for people on vacation at the job site. I hang my robe up and he takes a quick shower and get dressed. I give the cats some treats and make sure the back porch is locked and we head out to the car. “What did you have in mind?” I asked him. “You’ll see.” He says with a tiny smile. He starts rummaging around in the kitchen and putting something together and immediately brings it out to the car. “You have your camera, right? Bring it.” Now I’m starting to wonder what he’s up to. We get into the car and I see the back piled with a basket and a bunch of blankets and another bag, but I don’t want to snoop around because… I don’t want to ruin the surprise.

Our first stop happens to be a local diner to get some French toast he’s been begging for – I’d say he’s been begging me for them now for about a month or two and we have yet to have time to do anything together and get them. He works nights sometimes now and other times it’s during the day while I’m at work also. We planned this day to spend together – and to make it cheap since we’re not the wealthiest of couples just yet. We had moved not too long ago to Arizona to start over and start a new life somewhere that wasn’t in a cold dreary, depressing climate. It’s only been a few months but so far, it’s so much better than I could have ever imagined, like I am right now. The French toast came out warm and delicious and we dug in without saying a word. We were in heaven. It’s been so long since we’ve had diner food and that’s what today included as a treat to both of us. While eating, we discussed what it is we wanted to do for dinner and lunches for the next work week since I take care of most of that. Well, for lunches anyway. I always pack him his favorite, along with a little note saying how much I love him, in my clichéd, irregular ways that I do show him. He will usually cook dinners if he’s home for the night and doesn’t need to sleep. I love when he cooks – it’s much better than mine and I’ll let him have at it if he wants to.

I want to say it’s about 11:30, close to noon now since we talked a bit and enjoyed food together. I have no idea what he has planned next for us on this day. We pay and head over to the car. “We need to stop for gas, I think.” Now I start wondering what he has planned since we almost do have a full tank. Where is he taking me?! I silently wonder what’s going on in his head as we stop for gas. He turns to me after filling up and we’re getting ready to head off “You ready?” He says with a tiny grin/ “I’m always ready, though I’m not sure what you have in mind, so yes!” I reply. “How long of a drive do we have since you needed to fill up?” “You’ll see.’

About 2 hours into the trip, we stop at the last stop before the highway ends. “Make sure you use the bathroom.” He says to me. I now have an idea of where we’re going, but I just don’t know yet for sure what he’s got planned there. We’re headed dead on to the Grand Canyon, my favorite place to be on a nice day like this. I hardly come here because it’s so far away to come daily, but it’s nice to know it’s there if I wanted a day trip. He goes into the gas station, picks up a couple drinks and more ice for whatever he has packed and matches. “Matches?” “Stop questioning everything! You keep asking I’m going to use these on you!” That’s normal banter between us, it’s been years.

Shortly after pulling away from the gas station, we go straight to the Canyon. Hmm, I was right. Before reaching the tourist points, we make a turn and go to another part of the Canyon where there are less people and a better view. As much as I love Canyon West, I’d like to see some other parts of it as well. Today was that day, finally! Another hour into the trip and the high sun is now on the other side of us and we’re slowing down and turning into this small parking area that looks like an old rest stop that was torn down – and there are a few cars in the lot. In front of us I see mountains of red rock and an open space with cactus and nothing else. We park and he goes into the back and says, “Come with me.” Grabbing my hand we take a short walk to get in front of this huge red rock structure and in front of it there’s a picnic set up already there. “How did this get here?!” “I had a friend from work come up here to get all of this together; he’s actually over there with his wife now,” as he waves to someone else near another car who looks like they’re about to head off after finishing their picnic themselves.

He brings out two subs that he bought on the way home from work that morning from the 24 hour deli/grocery that we have near the home, and a bottle of wine to share. The most beautiful tapestry is set out to sit on and I almost don’t want to sit on it because it’s too nice. It’s turquoise and yellow and contrasts with the desert ground almost perfectly. It looks like something out of a catalog, and honestly, it probably was. “Wait!” I tell him. “I want to take a picture first!” “I knew you’d want to, haha.” I grab my camera out of the bag and take a few shots and then I let him sit down to eat. While all of this is happening, I forgot to mention that there’s an exquisite view in front of us off the edge of the Canyon. The sun is still out so we’ve made a makeshift shade from two sticks and another blanket he brought with him in the back of the car. I give him a huge kiss and we start to enjoy the subs for dinner and open the wine for me. There’s strawberries for dessert and obviously cookies. I start to get creative with the photos and take some of the strawberries with the Canyon as the background and the incredible view that we have. It’s only necessary of course.

There’s a few people roaming around the area we’re in doing the same thing – enjoying the view with their cameras and some have kids with them who are running all over and I’m afraid they’re going to go over the edge if they get too close or miss a step – so I yell to the kids to be careful and the parents look up from what they were taking a photo of and scold the kids a little bit then return to what they were doing. Next thing I know one of the children fell and I go over to help him up (he’s about 8years old) and see if he’s okay. As I reach him, he turns to me and says “Oh Lady, I’m okay. But I think that guy over there needs you.” With a huge grin on his face, he points over to where we were sitting on the blanket.

I turn around and see him, lo and behold, on one knee, holding the ring I’ve had my eye on since I was 16 years old in a box open in front of me. “I know we’re a little far from where I wanted to originally do this… But yeah… will you marry me?” And all of a sudden I knew what happened. Those people roaming around were all people he know from work who were in on it, the people who had their cameras out were there to capture the moment and the kid was the distraction he needed to be able to set this up. Through tears and bliss, “Well of course yes, DUH!” I knew today was going to be special because he’s been different for a few weeks now and I thought it was something that I had done, never in a million years was I expecting this day to turn into this – I thought we were just going on an adventure together for the day and taking photos.

After all the excitement was over, and I went over to his friends to see the photos they took of us (of course I had to..) we returned to our little picnic together and cuddled for a while on the blanket looking at the view we had. “I have one more surprise for you.” He tells me. “But we need to drive a little bit for it so you can get the full effect of what you wanted.” How could this day get any better, seriously? We packed up the car, me grinning the whole time. It’s later in the afternoon now and the sun will be about to go down shortly. We drive a few more miles up the road to a more open area with an even better view of the whole Canyon in front of us with the sunset dead ahead. He opens the back of the car and lays out the blankets he put in there with one fuzzy one for us to snuggle up in together and then plugs in some decorating lights in the shape of hearts along the back of the car. “This is for you so you can get the photo you’ve always wanted of the sunset and Canyon. I added the accents for you because I know you’ll want one of us laying in the car like you always talk about.” Seriously, do I have the best fiancé or what? He gets me, and he knows I’ve been trying to get this shot for so long now.

And it’s just perfect.

This day was perfect.

A Collection of Art

Good morning, and happy Hump Day. I’d like to showcase my Adobe Spark edits in one location and I thought what better way to do it than on my blog that I haven’t written on in a long time. Has WordPress died? It doesn’t seem to be talked of or used much anymore for some reason. Hmm.

Well, these are in no particular order really I just wanted a place to showcase them all at once since they’re mostly on Instagram at the moment.

I Am The Wind

“When you’re dumb enough for long enough, you’re gonna meet someone too smart to love you, and they’re gonna love you anyway, and it’s gonna go so poorly.” – Neil Hilborn, Ballad of the Bruised Lung

Been awhile, life’s been crazy. I’ve been trying to find the time to keep writing but I just haven’t had any. I mean I have, but I’ve had no ideas really to make me want to write anything substantial in my opinion. It’s been a blur to be honest, I can’t believe a year has almost gone by since myself and guy started dating again.. and it makes me feel semi good, that I can make it better than the last time we dated since we both effed up the last time and several times after that. Seems like we can’t just get it right.. Maybe this time won’t be so bad… here’s to hoping!

I’ve taken some photos recently, with guy’s other camera the Sony a6000 and I like it. But I only like it with the 90mm Macro since it’s amazing. I kind of want it. But there’s no way I can afford the lenses for it. Yes, I can borrow his, but what’s that going to do for me should something happen with myself and him. I will never give up my Canon camera for something else. I would only add to it. I plan on trying to start a collection of some sorts and when I finally get a home, I will have a camera closet for all my things.

Here are a few shots of the Sony a6000 that I took just yesterday around Nanticoke, PA. 


When you’re tired of waiting and time is not on your side
When you’re tired of hating me, you no longer want to hide

It’s time for another session of relaxation and tea bath before my roommates get home and take their long shower. I’ve been thankful enough to get to take some nice showers lately thankfully, and it’s helping my mood a lot surprisingly. *hand clap* Off I go because then I’m going to sleep forever tonight, maybe I’ll put my hair in curlers again. We’ll see since it seems to poof then I use them, lol!



If I Had My Own World…

I’d build you an empire. From here to the far lands -To spread love like violence. Let me feel you, carry you higher. Watch our words spread hope like fire… Secret crowds rise up and gather – Hear your voices sing back louder. ❤

Tomorrow is my 25th birthday. I’m calling myself half dead, because 50 seems like too many years to live I think. And if I’m not half dead, well then I guess people are going to have to deal with me just a bit longer then right? Tomorrow should be filled with fun and awesome and things to do because it’s my big 25. You only turn 25 once, and I think that’s a milestone in my opinion. Lately, I’ve been happy and doing alot of things that make me feel awesome, and with tomorrow being my birthday, I should still feel that way. … so why don’t I?

I paid my bills, I fed myself, I’ve fed my kitties and even cleaned the house majorly yesterday and did laundry all day because it had to be done. I’ve been listening to Angels and Airwaves all day (yesterday and today) and I almost forgot how much I love these guys and how much I can relate to alot of their lyrics. I don’t know why I’m not feeling happy these last couple days to be honest. Maybe it’s because alot of family couldn’t be at my birthday at mom’s and the fact that they won’t come see me in PA at all? Maybe it’s because I’m sleeping terrible at night again for no reason? Maybe it’s because I haven’t had that awesome connection with someone that I really want.

Maybe, it’s because I do everything for everyone and not many people can do a simple thing for me like even travel out to PA to visit me or even send a simple message of “hey how are you, how’s things going for you out there?” I’m tired of telling everyone when I’ll be back in NJ to go to mom’s house because no one even cares all too much about me being there anyway (friend wise) and the only people I really care to see are my grandparents right now. Everyone keeps telling to move back to NJ and live there. No. Why would I go back to NJ and have you all talk to me again since I’m there? I’m not out of sight out of mind here, I’m only a 2 hour drive away and you people can’t even make that small trip to see me here, why do I need to move back there? Because it’s a convenience for you? You’re not a friend, you just someone who doesn’t care and I’m not subjecting myself to fake friends anymore. I actually have people here in PA that care about me, or so I’d like to think that, and I’m not moving back to a place that could care less even when I come every damn week to visit.

On another note, I don’t know what I’m doing for my birthday tomorrow yet except getting my nails done with two girl friends in the morning. I hope I go tonight to get my mattress instead of cramming everything in in the morning. I don’t feel like getting up super duper early and running up to Sams Club at 9am to drag a mattress inside my apartment and then deciding what to do with the old one. That’s going to be interesting, unless I try and sell it tonight if I get the new one tonight. We’ll see what happens though. I’m hoping it’s tonight so I can enjoy a good night’s sleep for my birthday.

I think I should go see a movie tonight and take myself on a date because… everyone else is busy and I’d prefer to go alone anyway I think. Since I just found out I’m not getting my mattress tonight but rather tomorrow morning, I have some time to kill and I don’t feel like sitting home alone bored on the eve of my birthday. That’s just stupid. No one is ever around on Fridays and I’m always bored and have nothing to do, lol. And now that it’s my birthday, I don’t know what to do tonight, so I guess movie it is. I’ll treat myself to some fat food too and be happy and ignore people for a couple hours.

I’m off to shower and going to braid my hair so it can curl and look weird. It’s long enough and I don’t know how to use a curling iron, lol and I’m too lazy to YouTube anything right now. I don’t even think I know where my curling iron is at the moment… oops. I’m such a terrible girly girl. I should really take some lessons.

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I’ve Got To Take A Little Time…

In my life there’s been heartache and pain. I don’t know if I can face it again. Can’t stop now, I’ve traveled so far… to change this lonely life.

So this song came on and I can’t help but think of Rock of Ages every time I hear it. And it really bugs the crap out of me that I can’t find the disk for the movie. I might need to buy it again because I think it’s lost forever now. I haven’t seen it since I moved. I have a feeling it’s in my Xbox… and I haven’t plugged that in at the new place because I have the BluRay in my room now instead. Russell Brand is fabulous in that movie and I crack up every time I watch him and Alec Baldwin in the scene. I honestly can’t believe they signed on for those parts but that’s who they are. If they aren’t embarrassing themselves then they’re not doing comedy right. End of story, lol.

Moving on, I’m sitting here at nearly 11pm on a Monday night and I get to go home for Christmas Wednesday afternoon. I hope the weather doesn’t suck too bad because I have to drive 2.5 hours in it on Xmas eve to get to Nana’s and Poppop’s house. I have a feeling I will JUST make it for dinner and I really hope that’s not the case. I want some me time once I get there before showing up to the family. But… knowing my luck that won’t happen at all and I’ll get there and Nikki will be all like omg you’re late what happened to my Christmas picture.. or worse, they’ll take it without me. >.< Which is always what happens.

I’m hoping for a good Christmas this year though. I don’t need anything fancy… but who knows. There are a few things I did want but mostly I need money. I’d love for like straight up cash to be able to pay bills. Is that sad? I mean, I’m asking for money for Christmas to be able to live. Isn’t Christmas for giving and getting things you may not need but want? What has happened to the Christmas spirit? I’m not even in the mood this year for Christmas. I’ve been drained of energy and just dull as of late and I can’t help it. It doesn’t feel like Christmas and it doesn’t feel like it’s been a whole year since so much crap went down.. yet it’s still there in my mind and it sucks. I need a long long vacation on the West Coast or something and/or to never come back. I hope this next year will be better than this – it has been the craziest year of my life and I prefer not to remember alot of it in a way.. and no one can hate me for that.

Honey I know, I know, I know times are changing
It’s time we all reach out for something new

Yes, that’s Purple Rain lyrics.. It just came on my radio station on Google Play and I giggled like a school girl because I love this song so much. Hate me, I dare you. How can anyone NOT like this song? You’re not human if you don’t know of or don’t like this song and I won’t talk to you. And that’s the bottom line. (Stone Cold reference, if you will… not every day you see Prince and Stone Cold in a sentence now is it?)

Anyway, more later on. I was just a little bored and needed something to do I think and I wrote a blog today in work, but I can’t type it there so this is mostly from memory. It was nothing special but I had some free time today and instead of wasting it, I did something for myself for once. Even if it was writing down ideas for blogs. Sue me. I think I’m going to head to sleep, it’s late and I have to be up at 630am for work tomorrow… and then do some stuff including packing after work so I can get home to NJ right after work Wednesday.

Please let this holiday go RIGHT since it was supposed to be different than what it is.. please let me enjoy it and feel happy for once.. But I know that’s a long shot. We’ll see what happens.


Merry Grumpy Christmas!

Merry Grumpy Christmas!



The Devil Taught Me How To Dance

Did you ever just sit there and wonder why things happen? Why someone picks on someone. Why someone decides to work. Why someone chooses to play this video game over that one.. it’s all a part of the plan. People know what they want and they’re determined to do what they want, when they want. No rules, no regulations, no strings.
I know what I want and when I want it. And as much as I shouldn’t let it… things get in my way.

And here I am lying in bed at 10 pm at the age of 24 when I should be up hanging out with friends or playing games or going to see a movie or drinking or anything really.. I feel like a bum sometimes and I can’t help it. When people let me down and don’t seem to care, it makes me want to just sleep to make the next day come faster; as if something will change. But I know it never will. Nothing will ever change. I will always be let down and I will always just be there. I will never be the invited by the wanted… I will never be first in line. And it’s now a proven fact with the events of the last few weeks.
Remember: hold on loosely, but don’t let go. Usually it’s too late when you realize what you had.

While that’s on my mind; I need to drown it out with some pictures. Here are 3 I took of my friend Emle while she was up from MD. This purple dress was stunning on her and I want it.




Maybe on to better days in the coming weeks with the holidays.

