Tag Archives: weather

Blogmas – My Holiday Wish List 2019



I hope everyone is having a great holiday so far, even though it’s still early in the day. For this entry for Blogmas, I have decided to do my Personal Wish List.

This year was a difficult year, and is still difficult for myself and my small family. With moving back to PA from WA in the end of March, to our wedding in May, and to still not being caught up on bills from the big move… the second part of this year has been rough. Without going into too much detail, my husband and I were both sick twice with a cold already, we had snow 2 weeks before Thanksgiving (wtf?! it’s not even winter yet!), we both had a few serious episodes of depression and anxiety throughout October November and some of December, and we seem to just keep trucking on with no real reason at this point. We’re just trying to remain happy, calm and spend as much time as we can with each other to try and combat the depression we’ve been feeling. 

Because we’re still in debt from the move and catching up on payments and had sick spisodes preventing us from working a few days… I decided to share my Amazon Wish List with you and highlight a few things that we need for our apartment and home life and what’s on my Christmas List. Your Christmas List is supposed to be things that you would never splurge on for yourself, however, with the recent events of this year and being broke, it seems my list grew to be things that I or we actually need that we don’t have much money for sadly. 

  1. Rechargeable Fabric Shaver, Lint Remover  As most of my readers know, we have kitties… and this helps with removing lint, cat hair and fuzzies that may accumulate from the laundry. We also do not have a washer and dryer in the house because there’s no room and laundromats only can do so much for your clothes. This is something I’ve always wanted for our sweaters, too.
  2. Kinesiology Tape Precut My husband and I both have back problems. We love using this tape on our back for therapy and use it constantly, but it’s sometimes expensive to keep buying it for both of us to use, and have started to use it sparingly.

  3. Elevated Garden Flower Planter Bed We have a small yard, and with our back problems it’s sometimes hard to bend over for long and garden, and it’s usually me who takes care of all of it. Having raised gardens for our plants would be amazong and something my husband always wanted for each year because it’s easy to clean up, rake, harvest and saves garden space!

  4. DEWALT TSTAK Tool Box We have way too many tools. Way too many and the box we have everything in is just too heavy and we need an actual toolbox or two to fit everything. 

  5. Kitchen Island Cart We have very little counter space in our kitchen. So little, that I can’t even make cookies unless I clean off my kitchen table and take the table cloth off, and no room to put hot pots or pans that come out of the oven. We plan on re-doing some of the kitchen and making room for this.

Again, I know Christmas is supposed to be for things you really want that others splurge on for you that you would never buy for yourself mostly, but in our case, these are things that have been on my list and have wanted for awhile that we could really use. Instead of a new Urban Decay eyeshadow palette or new Apple Watch in order to upgrade, I’m chosing most of this stuff.


Blogmas – Frugal Winter Date Night Ideas



Winter is usually full of snow (depending where you live, if you’re in PA like us, it’s FULL of snow and staying in most times) and cold temperatures. With the holidays around the corner, and buying gifts for the family and others in your life, sometimes there’s less money in the budget for enjoying the things you and your significant other like to do to wind down.

Remember, not every thing needs to cost money to enjoy each other’s company, but you also want to be mindful that you need to keep your mental health in check during the stressful holiday season. Winding down with some cheap, easy and fun things to do with your S.O. when you can, will definitely help. What I’ve done is curated a list of 10 cheap and fun date ideas you can do during the cold winter nights.

  1. Play the board games you have! You can make it a fun competition with some sort of prize or where the loser needs to do the laundry for the week or clean the bathroom for a month.
  2. Go sledding. Sledding was the highlight of winter during our childhood, so hit the hills to go sledding again this winter. Sometimes all you need is a little rush to make you feel like a kid again or take away the stress for just a bit.
  3. Decorate your tree together. Either pick out a real tree or set up your fake tree together. Turn on the holiday music and get cozy as you prepare for Christmas the right way! Even putting up for decor outside can help decrease stress.
  4. Make/test cocktails for holiday parties. Google some recipes and put all those bottles that are sitting on your mini bar cart to good use. Test out the recipes and pick the best ones for the upcoming holiday party you’re hosting!
  5. Build a snowman. Get all bundled up and hit the yard to make a snowman or snow angels! Even if it’s only for a half an hour after work one day when you have a bit of time together, it will still bring back some nostalgia to your day.
  6. Go to trivia night. Test out your knowledge while drinking beer and cocktails. It’s a great way to have a competition with your partner and see who can come up as the winner of all!
  7. Make an indoor picnic. Some of you may like the cold and want to picnic outside, but if the temperature is -5 below zero, you may want to think of an alternative! Put a blanket in your living room or on your bed even and make some picnic food and enjoy an afternoon in!
  8. Cook food together. Cooking together can be fun, so long as you can agree on the meal. Once you pick a meal, grab a drink and enjoy each other’s time and learning a new recipe that will hopefully turn out great.
  9. Have a boozy snowball fight. Grab your flask or a bottle of wine to split and conjure up a snowball fight with forts and fight to the death (no, not really!) The more the merrier, see if any local friends want to come over and enjoy the snowball fight too.
  10. Go bowling. This one came to mind because my husband and I love bowling and we usually turn it into a friendly competition. Some alleys have drinks, apps and pizza that you can enjoy or even bowling packages for the winter months. Get out and have fun!

I Am The Wind

“When you’re dumb enough for long enough, you’re gonna meet someone too smart to love you, and they’re gonna love you anyway, and it’s gonna go so poorly.” – Neil Hilborn, Ballad of the Bruised Lung

Been awhile, life’s been crazy. I’ve been trying to find the time to keep writing but I just haven’t had any. I mean I have, but I’ve had no ideas really to make me want to write anything substantial in my opinion. It’s been a blur to be honest, I can’t believe a year has almost gone by since myself and guy started dating again.. and it makes me feel semi good, that I can make it better than the last time we dated since we both effed up the last time and several times after that. Seems like we can’t just get it right.. Maybe this time won’t be so bad… here’s to hoping!

I’ve taken some photos recently, with guy’s other camera the Sony a6000 and I like it. But I only like it with the 90mm Macro since it’s amazing. I kind of want it. But there’s no way I can afford the lenses for it. Yes, I can borrow his, but what’s that going to do for me should something happen with myself and him. I will never give up my Canon camera for something else. I would only add to it. I plan on trying to start a collection of some sorts and when I finally get a home, I will have a camera closet for all my things.

Here are a few shots of the Sony a6000 that I took just yesterday around Nanticoke, PA. 


When you’re tired of waiting and time is not on your side
When you’re tired of hating me, you no longer want to hide

It’s time for another session of relaxation and tea bath before my roommates get home and take their long shower. I’ve been thankful enough to get to take some nice showers lately thankfully, and it’s helping my mood a lot surprisingly. *hand clap* Off I go because then I’m going to sleep forever tonight, maybe I’ll put my hair in curlers again. We’ll see since it seems to poof then I use them, lol!



Photo of The Day March 03, 2015

Good evening, all!
Haven’t written in 2 weeks and I’d like to share a photo with you from today.

I decided to make Apple Crisp again and bought a new crock pot (a smaller one than last time, and that ones gone for reasons… But yes!) It didn’t come out as good as the last times because I think it was a different recipe (sad face.)


Adorable little slow cooker!

There’s nothing new to report here on any other end. I’ve been watching the Avengers every night in bed. “Let me know if real power would like a magazine or something.” I love Loki. He is God. 😀

I hate winter, for the record. Its all snowy and icy out and I’ve been inside all day and I’m glad. I want summer already. Please??

Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans. –John Lennon

||Koral Dawn||

Thoughts of The Day January 07, 2015

Laying here in bed at about 1030 at night trying to sleep already. Browsing Tumblr because what else is there to do really? I’m trying to go to bed but that’s been a fail from this cough I have going on. It’s about 0 degrees outside right now. I feel bad for the kitties that are outside all over in the area. But that just shows you what a caring person I am. I even put a blanket outside and some food hoping they’ll take shelter. I’m such a sap. And a good person.

Some food for thought I guess.

I’ve been watching Harry Potter since the new year. I just keep falling asleep a d watch the same one over and over toll I see every part. So each movie takes about 3 days or until I get bored. Or actually, until the menu song gets on my nerves and wakes me up in the middle of the night. Been there done that before with plenty of movies. I need like a multiple DVD changer for my room so I don’t have to get up.
I just painted my nails. They’re a blue color but I’m not sure I like them this way. I might go over them with a silver and magnetize them. That might be cool.. we’ll see.
OHHHHH this is the movie where I just want to kill this bitch. Umbridge. Must. Die. If there was one person I would choose to burn with fire or thrown into a volcano. That happy stupid smile of hers and chipper voice, also those ugly bright pink outfits of hers… makes me want to punch someone. Anyway. I do love the later movies as their quality got better as they went on.

Do not pity the dead, Harry. Pity the living, and above all, those who live without love.



July 15, 2014.

So for those of you wondering- I’ve been social media less for about 2 days now- I disabled my Facebook and my Twitter account for the time being as a result of complications. The only thing I have is Instagram, Snapchat ocassionally and Tumblr right now- and Tumblr is kind of dead anyway and my posts are queued. So I’m never on there much either.

It’s going well. I’m still attached to my phone though and I’m not sure why. I’ve tried putting it down and letting it alone. Most times there are only a few people I’d want to talk to and they don’t even talk to me- so there really is no point really.

After work today I’ll probably try and leave my phone alone again. I may sleep through the night or play some Diablo till 9 then call it quits. I don’t have anything to do tonight except give some stuff to a friend and (maybe) hang out for a little. I don’t know. Who knows.. at this point… I just don’t know anymore.

So because of this Facebook and Twitter boycott goes… I obviously can’t post to my photography Facebook either so that’s come to a halt. Not sure when I’ll pick up Facebook again. I haven’t stopped taking photos- and I’ll probably post them to here in the meantime.

This picture below is from the hockey benefit Saturday that pulled in over $100 and thankfully someone awesome got it. He wants to gather the rest of the signatures on it to it’s official and looks awesome. I’m super proud of this and how well it came out. I could have done larger pictures… but I think it looks fine the way it is.  Here’s a few more too from the dunk tank and my other photograph at the benefit.





On another note- today is my first year anniversary with work. Not sure how I feel about that to be honest. Yeah I have a job- and it’s awesome .. I just wish there was more to do as well. We’re bringing on another person this fall I believe but I’m not sure why since there’s not much for us to do anyway already.. but more props to them. I want to manage the Pinterest and instagram for them if I can. That way I’m not on Facebook even for work. Maybe that will help me quit bitching on the internet. Who knows… it’s worth a try maybe I think.


I demand cake. It’s an anniversary. .. where’s my cake? I worked hard for this. And I’ll still be here if I don’t find something better. I’m hoping we evolve as a team as well – and learn to work together more.

Anyway- that’s all for today. Long day yesterday and today. I just want to take zzquil and collapse at 9pm tonight and have 10 hours of sleep. I think I need it. And I need food. I haven’t eaten much in the past week. That’s not good. Someone feed me good food so I don’t die. Please? Thanks.
More later.. I’ll be posting all my photographs here.
